مرکز آموزش

نصب انجین ایکس nginx روی کنترل پنل دایرکت ادمین

اول از همه Custumbuild 2.0 باید نصب گردد.

سپس فایل custumbuild/options.conf را باز کنید.
"apache" را به "nginx" تغییر دهید.
این را هم تغییر دهید: php1_mode=php-fpm

سپس ذخیره کنید.

برای اعمال شدن دستور زیر را اجرا نمایید:

./build all -y

Then set you`re DirectAdmin licenese to pre-release (log into directadmin.com and update you`re license.

Update you`re server DirectAdmin follow this:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
wget -O new.tar.gz http://files1.directadmin.com/9374832/packed_debian60_64.tar.gz
tar xvzf new.tar.gz
./directadmin p
killall -9 directadmin
./directadmin d

Last thing to do, update you`re configs into custumbuild: ./build rewrite_confs

"502 Bad Gateway" , then check you`re hostname it is not set correct!
"503" then use the following cmd: chown webapps:nginx /var/www

For update From Apache to NGINX

Installl DirectAdmin in options menu choose option 3 with Php 5.3
After install Directadmin you can Update custumbuild to version 2.0 (BETA)

Update DirectAdmin rules to Beta version:

Update you`re server DirectAdmin follow this:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
wget -O new.tar.gz http://files1.directadmin.com/9374832/packed_debian60_64.tar.gz
tar xvzf new.tar.gz
./directadmin p
killall -9 directadmin
./directadmin d

Then update Custumbuild to version 2.0
cd /usr/local/directadmin
mv custombuild custombuild_1.x
wget -O custombuild.tar.gz http://files.directadmin.com/services/custombuild/2.0/custombuild.tar.gz
tar xvzf custombuild.tar.gz
cd custombuild

Then edit options.conf
Change: from "apache" to "nginx"
change: php1_mode=php-fpm

Safe changes
rewrite the custumbuild: ./build all -y

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